Music from: DNA / Proteins / Math

Mathematica Music - Bio2Midi Music - Bibliography/Web Links

Dr. Ron Rusay1, Dr.Veikko Keränen2, Erik Jensen3, Thomas Dunham4
1) DiabloValley College 2) Rovaniemi Polytechnic, Institute of Technology, Finland
3) University of California, Berkeley  4) California State University, Hayward

Music was produced from higher alegebra, that is, based on an Abelian square-free string over a four letter alphabet. The Abelian square-free string was discovered by Professor Veikko Keränen. It is generated by an endomorphism g over a four letter alphabet {a,b,c,d}.

Music by Ron Rusay generated from protein strings using Bio2MIDI written by John Dunn, Algorithmic Arts: with Bio2MIDI documentation support from:
Dr. Mary Anne Clark, Texas Wesleyan University:

 Play the pairs of enzymes and compare their differences.
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Mouse Trypsin

Human Trypsin

Mouse Trypsin

Human Trypsin

Bacterial Rhodopsin

Human Rhodopsin

Bacterial Rhodopsin

Human Rhodopsin

Human Acetylcholinesterase
(Serine Protease)
Human Trypsin
(Serine Protease)
Human Acetylcholinesterase
(Serine Protease)
Human Trypsin
(Serine Protease)
Research-Based Learning Exercise
Are you a man or a mouse? i.e. homo sapiens or mus spp.?
The above music was produced from a portion of the enzyme, trypsin, and includes the key amino acid residue that defines the active site.
(1) Is it possible to identify whether the musical signature is from 
a human or a rodent and (2) can the active site be distinguished?


Click for Correct Answers.

Follow slides from a presentation at Columbia University and test the ability to distinguish between sickle cell hemoglobin and normal hemoglobin by differences in their music:

Bibliography /Web Links: