Chem 226/ Dr. Rusay

Chemical Communication


Olfaction (Part IV)
Chemical Communication: Introduction to Pheromones

Part A:

1) Pick a number between 1 and 10.

2) Multiply that number by 9.

3) If the new number has two digits, add them together.
If the new number is one digit, don't do anything.

4) Subtract five from your number.

5) Match your number with the corresponding letter of the alphabet: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, etc.

6) Think of a country that begins with this letter.

7) Take the second letter of the country's name.

8) Think of a mammal that begins with that letter.

Click here  to see the animal that you are thinking of.

(Puzzle courtesy of Alton Lee)

Models of carvone: which smells like mint, and which like caraway?



Part B:
Refer to the handout and provide the information requested on the turn-in sheet for the following eight molecular models (#s 1-5 are electronic and can be viewed with jmol or Chime): #one-jmol; #one-chime, trail pheromone of Myrmica rubra, a common Northern European ant, #two-jmol; #two-chime, honey bee queen pheromone, #three-jmol; #three-chime, sea anemone alarm pheromone and #four-jmol; #four-chime, water mold sex attractant, #five-jmol, aggregation pheromone of the cheese mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae. (#s 6-10 are "physical models"). You can physically handle models five, six, seven and eight. Please do not change the atoms or break bonds. In addition to the information requested on the turn-in sheet, circle all sp3 carbon atoms that have four different groups attached to the carbon in each of the ten molecules.

Post Script:

Hunter vs. Hunted:

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