Natural Products Chemistry Group (RACI)
Members come from academia, government laboratories and industry. The Group
is centred in NSW with links to natural products chemists throughout Australia.
A natural product symposium is held annually. 8/98
Taxol A very promising natural product from the Pacific Yew, taxus brevifolia, being clinically tested as a cancer therapeutic.
Ibogaine: promising natural product in the treatment of drug dependencies, including heroin addiction! The Ibogaine Dossier H.S. Lotsof from Electric Italy Homepage.
BioTech Resources Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Bio-molecules, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and more.
Marine Natural Products: the Tasmanian Sea Prof. Adrian Blackman, University of Tasmania, Australia
Light in Physiology and Medicine Medical Sciences Bulletin from PharmInfoNet
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Mike Kagel, Vancouver B.C.