Chem 120 / Dr. Rusay

Greenhouse Gases 

Web references, reading and links: 

Exercises:  "Greenhouse" Gases: Calculations, Graphing & Budgets

To view and manipulate the molecules in this exercise, it is necessary to have MDL's Chime plug-in with Netscape 3.01 or a higher version. These can be downloaded by clicking on the following icons:

Before beginning this exercise complete the Chime tutorial:

Sources & Sinks  of Atmospheric CO2

Uptake of Atmospheric CO2 and Energy

Sun light is absorbed in plants, which use an enzyme, chlorophyll, as a catalyst to synthesize sugars, carbohydrates and starches. These carbon compounds have the sun's energy converted into chemical bonds which essentially store and provide the energy in various food sources used by man and animals. Without plants, chlorophyll and the sun, life as we know it would be unable to survive.

The images below illustrate photosynthesis of one sugar of the many possibilities, This one is a form of glucose. The multi-colored image in the center frame above the arrow is a structural rendering of a chlorophyll molecule. Only the molecular "backbone" of chlorophyll is shown since this particular protein has over 3600 indivdual atoms.

A) Write a complete, balanced equation with molecular formulas for the photosynthesis of the above sugar.

B) How many liters of CO2 (g) will be needed to produce 1 pound (454 g) of glucose? (Treat CO2 as an ideal gas. Pressure = 1 atm, Temperature = 25 oC) Show your calculations.

Combustion of Hydrocarbons / Atmospheric CO2 (g)

Plant and animal carbonaceous materials have been converted to "crude oil" through microbial action and geochemical forces working over millions of years. The hydrocarbon "crude oil" that is pumped from underground and undersea deposits is processed into fuels ("fossil fuels") which are burned to release chemical energy for manufacturing, transportation and conversion into electricity.

The reaction below is the burning of isooctane, a key component of gasoline.

A) Write a complete, balanced equation with molecular formulas for the combustion of isooctane.

B) How many liters of CO2 (g) are produced from the combustion of 1 gallon of isooctane? (Isooctane density = 0.7 g/mL. Treat CO2 as an ideal gas. Pressure = 1 atm, Exhaust temperature = 150oC) Show your calculations.

C) Global CO2 (g) Calculations:

1) What is the mass of CO2 produced per gallon of gasoline? This amount is added to the CO2 already present in the natural carbon cycle as additional CO2 (g) every year. Ice cores in Antarctica have shown an increase of tropospheric CO2 (g) from about 280 ppm to 340 ppm (volume:volume) from 1800 to 1996.


The troposphere is the atmosphere averaged to a height of 9 miles. Calculate the total mass and volume of CO2 that has been added to the troposphere since 1800. For the gas calculation assume a nominal pressure of 600 torr and nominal temperature of 260 K for the troposphere. Show your calculations.

Image above: The earth from a GOES / NASA / NOAA satelite photo. GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites).

2) a) An estimated 5 billion metric tons of CO2 is added to the atmosphere each year. Assume that CO2 is an Ideal gas at 75 oF and 1 atm. Calculate the volume of CO2 (g) that is added each year. b) If the atmosphere were a closed system and the temperature increases by +2 oC while the volume is constant (Use the volume calculated in 1) with 75 oF and 1 atm as the initial temperature and initial pressure.), what is the effect on the atmospheric pressure? Show your calculations.

3) Answer ques. #12 & #13 pp. 31, "What Should We Do About Global Warming?"

4) Follow the graphing instructions and answer the questions:

5) Answer ques. #11 & #12 pp. 35-38, "What Should We Do About Global Warming?"

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