Chem 120 / Spring 2012

1. Introductions / Roll :

Answer questions A & B :
Enter the numbers as a two digit number, eg. 23, next to your name on the roster when it comes to you. Also provide the name that you would like to be addressed as next to the printed name on the clip board if it is different. (eg. Roster = Smith, William --> Bill)It is being circulated through the class on a clipboard. If your name does not appear, you are not enrolled nor on the wait list. If not on the list, there is very little possibility of adding either section 2933 or 2935.

A) Computer/Internet Experience: (Answer with a number.)

    1. None
    2. Little: some limited experience
    3. Lots: can use several applications and routinely rely on the Internet
    4. Expert: programming background, a wide familiarity w/ hardware
    5. & software and Web apps.
    B) Planned Major or Emphasis / Career Goals: (Answer with a number.)
    1. Biology or Related: MCB, Genteics, Pre-med, etc.
    2. Nutrition/ Dietetics
    3. Biochemistry
    4. Physical Therapy / Sports or Personal Training
    5. Pharmacy
    6. Engineering
    7. Chemistry
    8. Physical Science: Physics or Geology or Astronomy
    9. Environmental Science
    10. Other (please specify later in your e-mail)

2) Course Homepage: http://chemconnections.org/general/chem120/

Syllabus (Handout): http://chemconnections.org/general/chem120/120syl12.html
Read information & policies carefully. Note in particular: grading, attendance, i-clicker & Webassign

Calendar: http://chemconnections.org/general/chem120/calendar-s12.html
Consult often; use as a planning guide.

Course Materials: Textbook and Options

TEXTBOOK OPTIONS: Topics, Topics Emphasis, & Homework Refer to Assignment Page Not linked from the calendar.
Topics which are most important and absolutely essential are in bold red.

Must have a registered OWL account (free) for homework credit. Dr. R will provide an Access Code by e-mail in a reply to you under following item (#3). Assigned OWL homework/exercises are to be completed by chapter prior to the Exam which covers the chapter topics.

Must have your own E-mail Account before the next class. (Can obtain a free account from several vendors. G-mail recommended.)

3) Learning styles survey (Pick up handout when leaving class or print out on-line from link below);

Study approaches to Chem 120 (Send results by e-mail to Dr. R. before the start of tomorrow's class; 5 pt. quiz grade; a zero will be entered if deadline is missed.)


Seeing, Hearing, Doing:

Reading, Listening, Note taking & Communicating

At the start of tomorrow's class, turn in an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper with your name and Chem 120 section number. 1) Provide definitions of the following adjectives:

    1. empirical
    2. conceptual
    3. contextual
    4. theoretical
    5. qualitative
    6. quantitative
    7. objective
    8. subjective
    9. predictive
    10. stochastic

2) Select two or more of the adjectives and use them without assistance from anyone in one sentence that best describes what chemistry is about in your view. Underline each adjective in the sentence that you used.

15 pt. quiz grade

4) Study Approaches: Daily Class / Lab Attendance & Preparation; i-clickers: Must have your own in class to receive credit; be sure to bring it with you everyday including lab. The i-clickers can be purchased from the DVC bookstore. A limited number of i-clickers are available for loan and can be checked out for the semester from the DVC Chemistry Department. The unit will be on loan for the duration of the semester. It is to be returned in working order before the end of the semester on the date requested. If the unit is not returned in working order, the cost for replacement of the unit will be billed as a fee. The replacement cost is $50.00 and includes restocking fees, taxes and shipping. If interested, pick up a check out form on leaving class today or print it out on-line (i-clicker form.pdf). Fill out all but the serial number and then see Dr. R.

5) Pre-class & Pre-lab Preparation:
You are expected to be prepared before coming to each class and lab. Powerpoint slides and printable class powerpoint outlines with i-clicker questions are linked from the Course calendar page in viewable form and with downloadable gray scale outlines that are .pdf formatted. Review all i-clicker questions before each class and select answers as best that you can. Consider the best possible answer for each question. (NOTE: The slides and questions are organized by topic and textbook chapter and not by class meeting. This will require you to estimate how far each class will go with the material. There will be carry over from class to class. Consult the calendar to see how many classes are devoted to each respective chapter as a planning guide.)

6) In-class Participation: (i-clicker grade = 5% of course grade)
Your daily in-class responses to the i-clicker questions will be automatically recorded for each class. Each response whether correct or incorrect is worth 1 point. If correct, an additional 1 point will be added. It is highly recommended that you take in-class notes and make a record for yourself of the correct i-clicker anwers, which will be provided in-class. Taking notes of the in-class discussion and recording the correct i-clicker answers on a printed .pdf outline is recommended as the best approach to prepare for quizzes and exams.

7) OWL: Post-class (Homework & Tutorials): (OWL grade = 5% of course grade)

Visit the OWL site daily.
Assignments have deadlines that must be met. Plan accordingly.

The OWL resources and questions are divided into Tutorials, Mastery & Visual questions that are not graded and available to you throughout the course. They are optional and are to be used by you to self-measure your level of understanding.
ChemWork & End of Chapter questions are required and graded with non-extendable deadlines that are geared to the class and exam schedule. It is highly recommended that you use the OWL resources on a daily basis, doing as much as possible and as you deem necessary, as soon as possible after the in-class material is introduced. Be sure to complete all of the required, graded assignments before each of the three exams to receive full 5% credit.

8) Course Outcomes: Grades, Overall GPA/ Transfer/ TAG/ Baccalaureate Degree/ Future Evaluations (Job/Graduate & Professional Schools) Consider the following typical academic evaluation (reference) form.

9) Safety: DVD topics for next lab

10) Lab Check In
For ONLY those of you who are on the roster NOT the Wait List.

For those of you who ARE on the Wait List and those who are not, but willing to take your chances on enrolling: See Dr.R. before leaving lab.