Exercise: #2)

The two dimensional structure of carbaryl is given above. The following 3-D images are of carbaryl on the left and physostigmine on the right.  Draw the structure of physostigmine and compare it to carbaryl. Name the common function. The function relates to the compounds' toxicity.

You can see that 3-D structural models relate a great deal of visual information but have their limitations. They are visual renderings that represent an idea of what molecules should look like if you could actually see them. You cannot generate these models with paper and pencil as you can 2-dimensional drawings. A computer with special software is necessary. Whereas 2-dimensional drawings are convenient and most useful in quickly communicating structural information. However, they too have limitations, particularly in portraying the spatial arrangement of atoms as molecular models. Taken together 3-D molecular models and 2-dimensional drawings are common, fundamental tools for modern organic chemists. They are also heavily used by scientists in molecular biology, biochemistry and many other disciplines.