N,N-diethyltoluamide: DEET: Insect Repellants


There are 2 parts to the experiment: Part 1 requires you and a partner to research the history, applications and risk/benefit of Deet, and to submit a short report. Part 2 is the individual preparation and purification of the compound and writing a standard individual lab report. 

Part 1 (Group): Using the Web, Infotrac, Extoxnet  and any other resource, answer the following questions in a one page typed report that is to be turned in upon completeion of Part  2. List only the names of those in the group who contributed to the report. In a bibliography cite at least 2 references which were used to answer the questions. Related Reading:

  • http://education.llnl.gov/msds/ScanDbase/Deet-NYT-91.html
  • http://education.llnl.gov/msds/ScanDbase/Deet-NYT-95.html
  • http://education.llnl.gov/msds/ScanDbase/Fen-Phen-NYT-9-97.html

  • (a) When was DEET first marketed in the U.S.? (b) How many people are estimated to use products that contain the chemical annually? (c) What disease(s) is/are it used to prevent in the U.S. and identify the significance througout the U.S.? (d) What is thought to be the effective concentration of DEET in commercial products? (e) How many cases of systemic reactions to the topical application of the product have been reported and how serious were they? (f) Describe the risk of using the product and list possible alternatives to its use. (g) The video of the ABC broadcast on DEET that you viewed focused on toxicity. The readings in the handout describe the historical controversy in New York State regarding regulation of the product prior to the appearance of West Nile Virus. List the 2 most important reasons why the product should be regulated or banned and 2 most important reasons why it should not. Provide a recommendation of how your the regulatory authority (EPA) should treat DEET.

    Part 2 (a) (Individually Done) Prepare DEET and purify a small portion of the sample for spectroscopic analysis by micro-column chromatography following the procedure in Lehman. An individual, standard report is required.